Dropping a project that satisfies the eyes and eardrums simultaneously, Lie Ning has released the hypnotic music video for his dreamy new single, “Offline”. Catapulting us into the crux of Ning’s lucid soundscape, “Offline” feels akin to a hallucinogenic trip where an elating melody and milky vocals allow the mind to float and the soul to soar. Underpinned by a moody baseline, Lie Ning effortlessly depicts the juxtaposition between who we are on and offline, allowing his funk-tinged tune to encourage us all to be our most unfiltered and uninhibited self.

Mirroring the soothing sentiments of its soundtrack, the music video features a group of contemporary dancers, melting together with fluid moments that create a feeling of unity and togetherness. Bereft of over-the-top costumes or set designs, the dancers appear to be candid as they move naturally in front of the camera lens, furthering Ning’s underlying message that we should all reconnect with the people we are when we are “Offline”.

Coming after his explosive debut EP, “traffic songs for the inbetweens”, the singer is already carving his own path within the industry with his signature blend of indie, pop, wave and disco. Proving to be kaleidoscopic in sound and nature, we can only hope to hear more of Lie Ning in the near future.

To stream the music video now, head below…