JAYO has always had music in his veins. Growing up with a music journalist dad, it always seemed fitting that he too would end up in the biz. From an early age, JAYO would receive a musical education from the likes of Skepta, Kendrick Lamar – and even Bon Iver. This rich repertoire of references came in handy when the young artist began to embark on his own musical journey. Taking the time to lay the foundation for masterful flows, and fleshed-out subject matter, “Diamonds” is a stellar example of JAYO’s concentrated talent.

Joining forces with East London-hailing Kieron Boothe for “Diamonds”, the pair prove that two heads are better than one. The track oscillates between earworm melodies, and commanding flows – all underpinned by tantalising trap hats and a powerful beat. Built around a sample that details the exploitative diamond trade, JAYO and Boothe lead you on a sonic journey through a reclamation of identity. About the track’s theme JAYO reflects, “I addressed how diamonds can often bestow and represent a different meaning when imported from Africa into Western culture. For some of us, they represent a high unattainable class. For others, they represent our hard work and labour, which can be ironically tied to the blood that was spilled to source the diamonds in Africa in the first place. For some, it’s sort of like reclaiming what their people are owed… It’s all down to interpretation.”

We’re never not here for artists using their craft to speak up for what’s important to them, and if “Diamonds” is anything to go by – we’re sure to expect a lot more hard-hitting bangers from JAYO very soon.

Head below to check out JAYO’s new single “Diamonds”…